DIY is the best way to save money on a home project! But you can do even more than that! Following along for the 5 best tips on how to save money on your next DIY Project!
1. Buy second hand stuff
You can find a lot of stuff second hand, which can save you a TON OF MONEY! Spend some time researching different second hand websites or go to second hand shops, or flea markets.
2. Always save leftover materials
If you have pieces of wood or other material left over from a project, make sure so save it. They might come in handy at your next project, which can save you a lot of money.
3. Always save leftover screws /tools
Furniture often comes with a bunch of different screws and weird tools, Make sure to save all of this, since you might be able to use it at a different project. I would suggest buying a organizer-box to easily keep track of all of these leftover screws etc (check out the article 11 Most essential Handyman Tools for more inspiration)
4. Be creative and think outside the box
Try and think outside the box in your planing and design phase. Instead of buying a very expensive piece of furniture, maybe buy an Ikea version and give it some paint / love. Our bedroom cupboards where bought cheaply from Jysk, and our drawers in or walk in closet are from Ikea, we just added some cool paint.
5. Spend good time on research
Spend time researching different options.
Ex, a costume made New York Glass Wall is very expensive, but what about a shower door that has the same look (read how we did exactly that in this article), or maybe even try and build your own with wooden planks and plexiglass?