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Planning your DIY Project

Planning your DIY Project

Planning your DIY Project

Planning your DIY Project

Planning your DIY Project before starting building can both save you time and money, and in the end give you a much better result! Here is how the planning phase could be done! 

1) Inspiration research

Use Pintrest, Instagram, Facebook, websites and go to stores to come up with great ideas and see how other people have designed their projects.
Are you happy with your design? 
Yes: Move to next step
No: Restart step 1

2) Measure and draw

Start measuring and drawing your design, either in a drawing program, free hand og using a 3D software. Also make sure to go through what mateirals you need.
Does your idea fit how you want it? 
Yes: Move to next step
No: Restart step 1

3) Calculate price

With the drawings created you should know what kind of furniture / materials you need. Try and calculate the price.
Are you okay with the price? 
Yes: Move to next step
No: Restart step 1

4) Go through the building procces

Figure out in which order the different things should be build. This should be very detailed and should be down to every single screw, since it can make it or break it if you get it wrong.
Is your project possible to build?? 
Yes: Move to next step
No: Restart step 1

5) Start building!

Planning your DIY project

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